Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thirteen Days

Today's word: AACK!

In spite of the beautiful weather outside, today I feel a bit overwhelmed. It could be the reality of the countdown hitting home. But things are pretty well organized, and I'm checking items off the To Do list at a fairly steady pace. The pod has been ordered from 1800packrat.com and is scheduled to arrive on Friday. I've notified the utilities to shut off services on the 27th. I've ordered checks with the new address for the new bank account. I picked up the change of address packet from the Post Office. Everything necessary will be done by the time I leave for Alexandria on the 30th.

Note that I said, "Everything necessary." Some things may have to wait, like making sure the car passes the Virginia safety inspection. Some things I won't be able to do until I get down there. Finding a new insurance agent, a new doctor, a dentist, a new church, etc. One more list filed in my Pocket Briefcase.

My calendar, on the other hand, is filling up at an alarming rate. Friends booking a lunch here and a dinner there. A couple of them have planned a packing party for this Saturday, which will take place after Holy Needles meets that morning.

And somewhere in the midst of all of this, I have a sermon to write.

Baby steps. One thing at a time. That's the best way to handle big projects; break them down into manageable increments. It will all get done.