Monday, April 16, 2012

Fourteen Days

The temperature reached above 80 today, and fire departments continue to worry about brush fires. I had to dig out the fan in hopes that it will draw enough cool air into the apartment, so I can sleep tonight. In the middle of April? Maybe I brought it back from Virginia. Roses were blooming when I was down there last week. It looks like we're in for a hot dry summer, and I'm moving south!

In the midst of this heat, I started to make some real headway with packing. Not so much in the number of boxes packed, but in getting stuff organized. I have a lot more empty shelves and drawers at this point in time than I thought, but I also have fewer boxes. It's a sign of how much I've de-accumulated over the last six years. Not to mention what I've tossed and given away over the past couple of weeks.

The fasting growing list is now the one of things I need to do in terms of the new job. People I need to meet with, systems to review, summer shut down to deal with.

I'll need to lay in a supply of PostIt Notes when I get there...

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