Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New (Sort Of) Food Routine

Since the Eater Hospitalization with diverticulitis, I've been trying to find a fairly simple way to plan meals. Saturday I FINALLY found one: Diabetes Meal Planning Made Easy, 4th ed. by Hope S. Warshaw. I'm now working on eating 1,400-1,600 calories per day. Actually, I think I'll be okay on that. And every couple of weeks I'll jump up to the 1,600-1,900 range so my body doesn't get too used to the minimal amount of calorie intake. That piece of information I remember from the Hilton Head Metabolism Diet that Brian and I did for a while back in the late 1980s.

The hardest part will be 5 oz. of meat. That's not a lot spread out during the day. On the other hand, there's enough on the menu to provide three meals and two snacks (or three, depending on how I shift things around). This evening I still have two starches, a milk, and a fat. That looks like six ginger snaps (woo hoo!), 2/3 of a cup of yogurt, and a tablespoon of peanut butter. Since this was Day 1, I should do better tomorrow.

This evening I fixed tomorrow's lunch and two snacks while fixing dinner. At least it was better than expending all that energy on preparing one meal. It still took a lot. I used almost every measuring cup and measuring spoon in my entire kitchen. And the new scale, which I purchased when I went grocery shopping today.

So I'm relearning a lot of nutritional information that I knew at one time. Actually, it's more reinforcement, because I managed to come pretty close to the calorie range over the past couple of months, even if the nutritional balance was a little off. The other major problem was many days I'd eat one large meal and two small ones.

Little bit, by little bit, I'm getting things back into balance.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photographs & Memories

Which was the theme of my Senior Prom, and it is appropriate for this particular blog post.

I don't have a lot of pictures of me playing the flute, but I did find this small handful. Here I am in full Darien High School Marching Band uniform on Memorial Day 1977:

This one was taken during the parade somewhere on the Boston Post Road:

Twelve years later I was playing now and again at Grace Episcopal Church. Here I am just before Christmas Eve services 1990:

In June 1993 I went up to Boston to participate in the Pride celebrations with Lavender Country & Folk Dancers. At LCFD's Pride Dance on June 12th I played with the Contradictions:

Later that same summer, but once again with the Grace Church Choir at our outdoor service with Choir Director Priscilla Carroll:

Priscilla and I again; this time at Grace Church's day at Camp Washington during the Summer of 1994:

And here I am with some friends at the Lavender Country & Folk Dancers February 1998 Dance Camp. This pick up band played for one contra dance at the Saturday night party. I'm the one in the purple shirt in the lower left:

Here ends the trip down memory lane. There may be some other pictures buried someplace in one of my boxes or somewhere at Mom's, but these are the only ones I've found at this point.