Monday, April 23, 2012

One Week

Seven days, or 168 hours, or 10,080 minutes, or...

Time is an interesting concept. What we call time is our way of marking change in ourselves and the world around us. We created many ways of keeping track of time, and yet time remains fluid and changeable. Don't believe me? Think back to your childhood. What were the days leading up to Christmas like? Now remember last Christmas. What were those days like as an adult?

For me, the 13 months after the elimination of my position dragged. Yes there were periods now and then when things happened rapidly, but mostly my experience was long and drawn out. The last two months, however, especially the last 40 days, have gone by with amazing speed. But now, with the start date set, employment paperwork filled out, and the majority of the packing done, this week seems to be crawling. In spite of the number of things I still need to get done before I leave for Virginia. My calendar is full, and the To Do List, while shrinking, is still lengthy.

Some of the dragging time feeling is probably due to the fact that I'm at the "throw things in boxes just to get them packed" stage of packing. There isn't enough of any one kind of thing to fill an whole box. The only thing I can do is list contents on the side of each box, so I know what's in it. In addition, I'm also giving the apartment a very thorough cleaning. I am so ready to be done with this whole moving thing.

Well, not entirely. My calendar has been full of farewell gatherings. Many folks want to see me before I head south. This afternoon I took the train into the City to have dinner with Ruth-Ann, a friend, mentor, and former colleague. I went in a little early, so I could visit with some of my former colleagues at the Church Center. As it turns out, I may be seeing a many of them in the context of my new position at the seminary. Tomorrow I return to the City for lunch with another friend, and my EfM group is taking me to dinner in the evening.

And I still have to finish my sermon for Sunday.

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