Saturday, January 3, 2009

Of Flying And Walking

In September of 2007 when the Presiding Bishop introduced the group that presented the plan for the reorganization of the Church Center, she used the image of building a plane while flying it. I suppose she thought it was an apt analogy coming from a pilot. A few months later the Evangelism and Congregational Life Center had an off-site retreat to do some visioning. The outside facilitator was very good, but he brought along a copy of this video:

Few of us were amused, in spite of our nervous laughter. It takes a lot of focus to fly a plane. So does building one. Divided energies do not make for smooth flight or smooth construction. The image has become our transition period--rough and ragged.

Last month at a meeting of the Diocesan Christian Education Officers (did the bishop of West Texas realize he was naming my friend Lou the CEO of the diocese when he gave her that title?), our guest speaker used a different image. She spoke about building the path while walking it. I found it a much more manageable and doable image. You can only move forward on a path as you complete the next piece of it. It's probably also more in line with what my life is like right now, taking one step at a time, working forward toward a goal but not necessarily being able to see the goal.

Some might say that the flying plane image shows more vision. I would point out that Daniel Boone had as much vision crossing the Appalachians as Charles Lindbergh did crossing the Atlantic.


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