Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bible Study With The Bishops: Never Alone And Never Done

Reading Plan Text for May 9: John 12:27-36

One of the interesting things about John's Gospel is that Jesus never goes away to a quiet place to pray and reflect. He often leaves places and crowds, but that is to escape arrest or stoning as it is not yet "his time." There are no quiet places in John's story. Something is always going on.

Instead, in this passage we see Jesus praying in the moment where he is.

And even at a moment of extreme anguish and questioning, Jesus continues teaching. Somehow he manages to be at peace, be with God, and continue his calling in the midst of the turmoil around and within him.

Take a deep breath. "Be at peace."

Let it out. "Be with God."


Sometimes, like tonight, it is all the prayer I can manage.


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