Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Yankee Walks Slowly

The heat and humidity broke last night, and today was a perfect Spring day. The first three days of the week, however, not so much. And because the Board of Trustees was on campus for their Spring meeting and Commencement, I wore a jacket on the three most humid days of the year so far.

So far. That two word disclaimer is important, as several people have reminded me. In New England, at least along the Connecticut Coast, we don't usually get the serious humidity until July and August, and it usually dries up before we get too far into September. I've been told that here the humid weather can last into October.

So I moved slowly. Sometimes that was enforced by my feet, tired and sore after days spent standing and running around to get the Guest Houses ready for the Board. People frequently passed me walking at a much brisker pace. If they wanted to talk to me, they slowed down to my speed. But even those walking more rapidly still walked slower than most New Yorkers on even the hottest days of the year.

I also drank plenty of water. Last week I bought a new water bottle; one of the ones made by Britta that has a small filter in it. I've used a Britte pitcher for years, and the bottle seemed like an ideal solution for having water in my office without needing to return to my living quarters to refill from the pitcher. In a week or so, that won't be such a big deal because my apartment will be just up a flight of stairs. Right now, however, my room is clear across campus, and I can fill this bottle up at any sink or water cooler.

So we had a perfect Spring day for Commencement. I've only been here two weeks, and I don't really know any of the graduating class, so I didn't feel the need to attend in person. And since the Seminary closed at 2:00 pm. today, I had to take care of some critical correspondence before the post-ceremony reception, which I did attend.

I don't know when the humidity will return, but when it does, you can rest assured that I will be walking slowly.

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