Friday, May 18, 2012

It's Official

A few days ago my boss told me to take today off, as I'd put in a lot of hours to get the Guest Houses ready for the Board. I figured it would be the ideal day to go get my Virginia Driver's License, get my Alexandria Library card, and run a few other errands.

I arrived at the DMV at 8:22 a.m. prepared with all the forms of identification and proof of address I needed because I'd looked at the DMV web site a couple of days ago. I even printed out the form I needed from the web site and completed it last night. The gentleman at the reception desk asked me what I came for and verified that I had all the necessary documentation. About 10 minutes later the cameras went down across the entire state. Since all the licenses are printed and mailed from a central office, all the local DMV offices' cameras are tied to that location. They weren't down long, and I was all done in about 45 minutes including voter registration.

So it's official. I am a legal resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a registered voter in Alexandria. When the woman at the counter handed my Connecticut license back to me I asked if I didn't have to surrender it. She said I needed it in conjunction with the temporary permit until my new license arrived in the mail in seven to ten days.

Getting the new license went pretty smoothly. Getting to the DMV did not. Google Maps doesn't deal well with construction and recently changed roads. Fortunately I had the Rand McNally Street Guide with me. I went way south of where I needed to be and had to pull over to figure out how to get back to the DMV. Otherwise, I'd have been there earlier.

I left the DMV and drove west to try and find the branch of my bank that I know is south and a bit west of the Seminary. I've seen it a few times when out with other folks, but I couldn't find it. So before driving down to Old Town where I knew I could find the branch, I stopped at the branch of the public library closest to the Seminary. All branches of the library were closed today for a Staff Education Day. Walking to the branch in Old Town from where I parked, I passed an Adopt A Block sign stating that block had been adopted by the Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association. A reminder that I need to join soon. At the bank I made a deposit, ordered checks (since I now had a Virgina form of ID), and checked to make sure that the direct deposit for my paychecks was set up.

Leaving the bank I figured I'd drive out to the Barnes and Noble I visited a few days ago. I thought I followed the directions my friend gave me, but I got lost and found the other end of the Parkway. It would have been a nice drive, if I hadn't been worried about running out of gas. As I went through Arlington I remembered Sally's story of frequently finding herself across the bridge and in the Cemetery even after being down here for several years. I kept going north and eventually reached the Beltway. But I missed an exit and ended up heading west on Interstate 66. Fortunately I saw a sign for State Route 7, which is the Leesburg Pike and then King Street as it passes through Alexandria. Sometimes getting lost is the best way to learn your way around.

A stop for gas just before getting into Fall's Church and then lunch at Wendy's. It was something familiar during a day of learning more about my new city.

After lunch and some time at home to check addresses, I headed back to Old Town to walk around and run some errands.. First Stop, the Old Town Transit Shop to buy a SmarTrip card for the Metro and buses. One of the things the woman there told me was to keep the card away from my credit cards and my cell phone. How far away I asked. "I wouldn't even put it in the same wallet." Now who's bright idea was that given our technologically connected world. I'll have to check with friends to find out how they carry theirs when traveling via public transit.

I wandered around Old Town for a bit, and I did make one stop to pick some things up for work. The very friendly staff at the Visitor's Center gave me several copies of a variety of brochures and maps that they thought would be most helpful to visitors in the area for a day or two. And one set for myself.

Old Town is dog friendly. I first noticed it at the bank this morning where they had two bowls of water just inside the outer door. As I walked around this afternoon I passed some other shops, and even a hotel, that placed bowls of water on sidewalk. In one shop I encountered an Airedale lying on the floor.

Tomorrow morning I'll check out the Farmers' Market and see about getting my library card.

1 comment:

  1. What absolutely wonderful adventures you are having!
