Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Boxes Boxes Everywhere!

The pod arrived yesterday morning, and I only happened to see the truck when I looked up while Meredith and I were working at her desk in the Welcome Center. They did call, but they called my home cell phone and not the work cell number I'd given them, so I didn't get the message until after he got the pod settled in front of Johns Hall.

Here's what greeted me when I opened the doors. You can compare it to the last picture I took before locking it up in this post (it's the second picture). Nothing shifted and the only casualty I've had so far is the plastic bin that's on top of the box and the suitcase on the left. It wasn't tied down and must have bounced on an arm of the rocking chair that punched a hole in the bottom. Everything else is in good shape. Thanks to Rachel, Lisa, Mary Beth for taking such good care of my fragile things!

Three members of the Maintenance staff helped me unload the pod and get everything up to my second floor apartment. We started at 8:10 this morning, and here's what the living room looked like at 8:45.

9:10 a.m. Empty pod.

And the living room at 9:10 a.m. Clearly not as organized as when we loaded the pod, but everything is at least in the right room. For now. I see lots of rearranging in my future.

I unpacked a couple of boxes at lunchtime. I found this when I opened one of the kitchen boxes that Rachel and Lisa packed.

I should probably go clean off the bed...


  1. Oh, Rachel and Lisa, what a sweet, kind thing to do, leave that note in the box. Bless you. And good luck with the unpacking, Jeff!

  2. Well, we can't give him hugs in person now.. so we did the next best thing. Happy unpacking Jeffri- and boy am I relieved that you had help in unloading, especially as you're on the second floor.
