Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who Got Us Here?

Grandmere Mimi's Let's Not Forget... post reminded me of something I'd seen just before the 2008 election. It was on the blog of Dan Roam, author of The Back of the Napkin and The Napkin Unfolded.  While the title can be read a number of ways, and probably intentionally on Dan's part, the visuals are very clear. Dan writes:
Whenever I give a workshop, I ask in advance for a sample problem relevant to my audience, so that I can demonstrate the power of pictures in a context drawn from their real-world experience.

In this case, Doug supplied me with a thick set of economic data comparing eight years of the Clinton Administration with eight years of the George W Bush administration.
Go read Careful Senator, your politics are showing and pay attention to the charts.

Remind me again how we got to this budget standoff...

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