Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bible Study With The Bishops: Enter Lazarus

Reading Plan Text for April 28: John 11:1-6

I have a hard time with the story of Lazarus.

When Martha and Mary send Jesus a message to inform him that Lazarus, "the one whom you love," is ill. Jesus responds,
This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it. (11:4)
Who, when they have the means to heal a sick friend, delays and lets that friend die just to prove a point? Burridge's answer is:
Jesus takes his own initiative in his own time and acts when he is ready, hard though that may be for us to understand. (p. 141)
Essentially, God's time is not our time. Sometimes that's the only answer we're going to get.



  1. yeh, it's still not a good enough answer. It's kinda like God's answer to Job at the end. Not an answer at all. But then, I'm cranky about God. I expect better from God than what we get - someone has to, I figure!

    O God, I got one of those hard to read word verification thingies - it's a metaphor, right? Here goes...

  2. I have a pretty big problem with "God's" time. If God is so almighty, God might be cognizant of the time that WE are working with. I am impatient, for sure.
