In today's reading the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus continues, and Nicodemus still doesn't get it. Jesus in his reply starts out addressing Nicodemus directly, but then his language shifts to the plural form of you along with "we" instead of "I." Burridge (the author of the Commentary) provides this bit of information. Once again those of us who must read the scriptures in translation miss a lot of the nuances--and also a lot of the not so subtle things--in the texts. Burridge continues:
It is as though the quiet night-time conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus has been replaced by Jesus speaking through the evangelist and the early Christians to the rest of the Jews, and indeed, to the whole human race, asking them to 'receive our testimony' (3:11).What leaped out at me, even before reading the Commentary, is that Jesus is teaching about the future--his future. Just as he is the temple that will be raised back up in three days, first he must be lifted up--on the cross. Once again, John's Jesus is much more explicit from the beginning about who and what he is, not to mention about what he will experience.
It's been a long day, and I really don't have much else to say.
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