Saturday, August 4, 2007

Odds And Ends

It has been a long, hot day, most of which I've spent inside doing chores or reading. Here are some random odds and ends accumulated over the course of the last couple of days.

And this surprises us how?

In a one horse race, the Diocese of South Carolina has again elected the Rev. Mark Lawrence to be their next bishop. Here is the story from Episcopal Life Online, and one from the Diocese itself.

Where there's smoke....there's a smoke screen!

The American Anglican Council is circulating a Legal Transparency Petition calling on the Episcopal Church to disclose how much money is being spent from the Church's budget to pursue litigation against congregations attempting to take Church property with them as they leave the denomination. I guess they don't know that they can ask for financial records, as the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America is a non-profit organization.

This so-called call for "transparency" is just one more tool in their attempt to divert attention from their schismatic efforts. One wonders how much money the so-called "network dioceses" are putting into the various schismatic organizations or sending to support the interfering bishops?


Lisa's My Manner Of Life will experience yet another increase in visits because she dared to take aim at Greg Griffith of StandFirm. My brief post linking to Lisa's original one and thanking her for a laugh resulted in over 500 (and counting) referral visits from Greg's post. Thanks again, Lisa, your comments are spot on.


Please pray for those killed or injured in the I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, and for their families and friends.

Please pray for those who work at the Episcopal Church Center as they await the coming reorganization. No matter how well these things are handled, there is always a high level of anxiety and stress before, during, and after.



  1. Thanks for the kind words. I, too, experienced a most unwelcome level of traffic from the Sheeple of Blog Viagra.

    Strangely, they have chosen not to respond to my latest. Did they hate giving us that increased traffic? Or do they simply have no credible explanation for Greg's obsession? I suspect it's a combination of the two.

    Thanks, my brother, for all you do in these unpleasant times!


  2. Lisa,

    I get the feeling that many don't leave comments because we moderate them. Of course, they've had their own problems following their own comment guidelines recently.

    In any case, my little blog is back to its usual traffic level.

