In case you missed it, Rep. Andrew Weiner (D-NY) held a news conference yesterday afternoon to admit that he had indeed sent the risque pictures of himself from his Twitter account.
Okay, he did something stupid. Then he lied about it, which only compounded the stupidity. He's not the first man to send or post questionable pictures of himself. And he's certainly not the first public figure to get himself into trouble for inappropriate sexual behavior. Remember any of these guys?
Larry Craig
John Edwards
John Ensign
Ted Haggard
Tim Mahoney
Mark Souder
With our elected officials, as soon as one of these scandals comes to light, whether the man is a Democrat or a Republican, the other party uses it to make political points.
I don't deny that gay elected officials have been involved in improper behavior. Gerry Studds and Barney Frank are just two I could name. However, straight men far outnumber gay men in the sex scandal department.
It's not just elected officials, either. Take a look at the "Casual Encounters" section for any city on Craig's List and see how many straight men are looking for homosexual sex and married men looking for sexual encounters of many different kinds. There are even a number of men who blog about it (Google it, they aren't hard to find).
And the self-named family values folks are worried about gay marriage threatening the sanctity of marriage?
As I have said before, WE, that is society as a whole, need to REevaluate the 'pairing' system for what it is and what it isn't. Individual behaviors just aren't a part of that and seem to mess up our expectations. We need an island......