Thursday, June 5, 2008

Who Needs PowerPoint?

Or: Getting Out Of My Left Brain

This afternoon I finished reading Dan Roam's The Back of the Napkin, subtitled "Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures." A couple of weeks ago I saw it in the local Barnes & Noble and picked it up to read while I enjoyed a cup of coffee in the cafe. After reading the first few pages, I knew it had to come home with me.

I spent most of my checkered professional life in "corporate America," so I understood the business applications immediately. But what sold me on the book was a corporate management tool--the "elevator speech"--that Dan wrote in the first chapter:
Visual thinking means taking advantage of our innate ability to see--both with our eyes and with our mind's eye--in order to discover ideas that are otherwise invisible, develop those ideas quickly and intuitively, and then share those ideas with other people in a way that they simply "get." (p. 4)
While Dan's book can be looked at as primarily a business tool, it's really more about visual thinking and problem solving. Those are skills you can use in many different places. Before I finished the book I found myself sketching something out for a meeting at church. The drawing spoke volumes about one of Lois' recent sermons, so we posted it on the sermon page of our parish website.

Here's a podcast of a VizThink conversation with Dan that covers many of the book's basics. And take a look at Dan's blog.

Actually, PowerPoint can be a valuable tool, but after reading The Back of the Napkin, I'll never use it the same way again.

But, being the left-brain type that I am, it will take some practice. But then, I've been using stick figures for years to draw metaphors for Theological Reflections in Education for Ministry!


If you have trouble figuring out why I tagged this post with "Storytelling," you're more left-braned than I am!

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