Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bible Study With The Bishops: Jesus Loved

Reading Plan Text for June 24: John 19:25-30

Only in John do we have this conversation between Jesus and those gathered at the foot of the cross. It is another one of those little details John likes to include without a great deal of explanation. Jesus loved all his Disciples, but these words indicate a special fondness for the unnamed one “whom Jesus loved,” who later is also identified as the writer of this Gospel. The bond was special enough that he gave his mother (who is never named in John’s Gospel) into this particular Disciple’s care.

Over the past few decades some commentators have taken this passages to indicate that Jesus had a same-sex relationship with the Disciple whom he loved. Predictably, this brings howls of outrage from conservative Christians—and even some liberal ones. And even if these two men did have a physical relationship, I’m relatively certain it was not writer’s intention to indicate that they did. It is much more likely that this description has to do with validating the writer’s witness and authority in the Johanine community. And perhaps the community’s tradition was that Jesus’ mother was one of their own, and this scene at the cross tells them how that came to be.

However, one cannot escape the conclusion that a special relationship existed between these two men. If nothing else, it is one of the few purely human attributes John gives his characterization of Jesus. Jesus loved another human being, an individual human being. Can we read a sexual component into it? People have been interpreting things from Scripture that are not explicitly in the text probably since before it was in written form! Jewish Midrash is a tradition of interpretation. Engaging Scripture in this way enriches our understanding of Scripture. It brings us into the story. It gives us the opportunity for new insights.

Jesus loved someone special. Amen. Amen.


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