Thursday, January 31, 2008

Now We Are One

Well, this blog is, anyway. After 176 posts and some 7,000 visits, I have learned a few things.
  • There will always be at least one blogger who publishes before you that piece of news you thought you would be the first to launch into the blogosphere.
  • One sure way to significantly increase traffic on your blog is to tick off a blogger who holds significantly different views than you do.
  • If you provide unique coverage of a meeting, news story, etc., the next time a similar event happens another blogger will manage to do it faster and more thoroughly, thus cutting down the number of visits to your blog.
  • There is no rhyme or reason as to which of your posts people will respond to more than others.
  • There are days where you simply hate your blog and come close to deleting it entirely.
  • There are days when you feel you have nothing to say.
  • There are days when you realize you should not post what you have written.
  • It is easy to lose yourself in reading other people's blogs.
Fifteen people, more or less, read this blog regularly. Obviously, I am not making a big splash in the blogosphere--hardly even a ripple. While I sometimes long for the large readership of some of my blogging friends and acquaintances, my larger purpose of blogging was, and continues to be, making a practice of writing and publishing (so to speak) "public" pieces on a regular basis. So if no defining theme emerges, or no large following develops, so be it. I have enjoyed blogging this past year and look forward to the year ahead.

See you in the blogosphere.



  1. One sure way to significantly increase traffic on your blog is to tick off a blogger who holds significantly different views than you do.

    Sshhh! These are secrets know only to the Illuminati. People have been chained to stakes at low tide for revealing less.

  2. I just realized I had an incorrect link on my blog to yours. There. That'll do it! ;~)
