Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Enough Already - Part 2

A couple of things happened this morning that have caused me to re-evaluate my "update" of last evening. I was having a conversation with a colleague this morning about Antiracism workshops she had conducted over the couple of weeks. People wanted to know what they could do to combat racism as individuals. She said the internet is one place where everyone can have an effect is the internet. Do not participate in racial jokes, or blond jokes, or fat jokes, or ethnic jokes. Call people to account. That set me to thinking.

Then I opened my email. While they are not many--not even five--derogatory comments about Bishop Schofield's weight have been popping up on a couple of my mail lists. One writer referred to the bishop as "his plumptitude." Even ONE such comment is too many. To me such jokes are as inappropriate as fag jokes aimed at Bishop Robinson--or anyone else, for that matter. They belong on the list with racial, ethnic, and yes, even blond jokes. NOT ACCEPTABLE.

So I say again, ENOUGH ALREADY. No more jokes about Bishop Schofield's weight--or his sexuality for that matter. They are inappropriate an unacceptable.



  1. 13, 2007 at 1:32 AM

    thank you for this. as much as i hate what is going on i have found the reactions of those i normally trust frightening in their vehemence. perhaps this is my overreaction as well, but it concerns me that those i felt were expressing so much compassion towards others were resorting to insult not argument.

  2. People aren't making fun of him because he's fat. It's his demeanor, the Jabba The Hutt like posture.

    What I hope brother John will do is get himself over to a better department store and have himself fitted for a decent suit, including shoes. Then maybe we can work on that posture. After a little practice at holding himself upright he'll no doubt still be fat but people will probably stop making fun of him.
