Friday, May 25, 2007

More Pictures From Ecuador

Deep in the Andes the "blond, blue-eyed, anglo Christ" image persists.

This is Cynthia, one of the children at Nueva Esperanza, carrying the fan we gave her.

Students at the Canterbury School having lunch. The school is currently using the basement and Sunday School classrooms of the Catedral El Senor while a dispute over who owns the actual school buildings--located just behind the cathedral--is being settled.

Cristo Liberador, Quito (the blue building on the right) and its neighborhood. This is where we saw the goats, right in the middle of the city. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough with my camera to get a picture of them.

The Senior Breakfast at Cristo Liberador. Three days a week the church holds breakfast and prayer for the seniors of the neighborhood. They were waiting for us and greeted us with a round of applause when we stopped in to visit with them.

This is a Sunday School classroom at Buen Pastor, Quito. No commentary necessary.

Mission Emaus, Quito, is literally a second story store-front. The lower of the two blue and white signs announces the Saturday health clinic

This is Emaus' worship space. I stood in the entrance to take this picture, so you are seeing 90% of the space.

The women's needlework project at Emaus. The display they set up for us is in the room directly behind the chapel--it serves as the "parish hall," among other things. Ten percent of the money they raise through the sale of their work goes to the church, with the other 90% going to the women.

Next to the parish hall is the one-room clinic. Again, I stood in the doorway to take the picture, so you are seeing almost the entire clinic in this shot. A doctor comes on Saturdays. Patients pay $2, if they can afford it, but no one is refused care. Medicine is purchased with funds that come from Christ Church Cathedral in the Diocese of Indianapolis.

At the end of the short hallway is the Sunday School classroom--one classroom. It also serves as a "drop in" center for neighborhood children. Except for the two small bathrooms, these five pictures show you all of Emaus' space.

I will post more pictures as I continue to sort through them.


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