I don't know how I'm going to get it all done. The web site migration is going a lot slower than we'd like, but there isn't much I can do about the speed of the Evangelism & Congregational Life pages when I'm the primary person putting time in. Hopefully, I'll have at least the basics up for each office by the time I leave for General Convention. The beta test of the new design will take place at General Convention--several weeks behind schedule, but maybe a better way to do the test.
I continue to add events, meetings, and appointments to my schedule. Fortunately for Ruth-Ann and me, we have someone to be our "shepherd" for the duration of Convention. MerLynne will keep our schedules updated and help us track legislation. I've decided to make a daily schedule for myself and have adapted the Pocket Mod. It gives me a pocket-sized folder with all the important information for the day and space to take notes. In spite of the web site's claims, these have been around for years--we used to make them in school when I was a kid. But the site did remind me of them. I designed a template in PowerPoint that I use for travel itineraries and adapted for the daily schedule.
Technology will make things a bit easier this convention. Rather than toting around a large three-ring notebook with printed copies of all the information I need, I will copy all of the files from the G drive at work to a flash drive and use my notebook computer. On the other hand, I'll still have the gigantic General Convention Binder. Even though all the legislative information will be online, it is still easier to track changes to the resolutions by reading printed copies. We'll see how that goes.
I've asked Mom if I can borrow her big black suitcase to take to General Convention. I thought about shipping my clothing via UPS, which is probably cheaper than checking a bag on US Air, but I don't have enough clothes to ship two weeks' worth ahead and have a week's worth to wear before we depart for Anaheim. I'll still be shipping a box or two with non-clothing items, so I need to start taking things into the office to be packed. We must ship boxes going to the hotel (as opposed to the Exhibit Hall) next Monday.
I have a list...
I have lots of lists...
Do you have a list of your lists so you remember EVERYTHING?