Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Forecasting Snowmageddon Part 3

The Arizona shooting has dropped to third place, or lower, in the news headlines this evening as two storms converge on the Northeast.  Our weather experts expect the meeting of the storms dump between 9-13", or even 10-16" on our area. This will be the third major snowstorm in three weeks. 

What gives? 

It's winter.  It gets cold.  It snows. 

Some years we get a lot of snow, and some years we get very little.  It wasn't all that long ago people noted the number of winters with little or no snow.  Now they moan that we have too much.

It's winter.  It gets cold.  It snows.

Get over it.  Weather happens.  We can't control it.  In our urbanized culture, we have forgotten what it means to live with the weather.

It's winter.  It gets cold.  It snows.

Use a little common sense, and we'll be fine.


  1. Common sense? You're joking, of course. People seemed to have lost common sense. That was when the "common" was replaced with the big "I." Sad. Too, too sad.

  2. Right on, Jeff. I always thought this was what winter was SUPPOSED to be in Connecticut. I've lived here all my life, and although childhood memories are usually exaggerated, all this is nothing new. It's just happened all at once. I figure if it's gonna snow - let it snow! It's the choice we've made on where we live.

    People who live in tornado valley, along fault lines and on barrier islands need to understand the risk they take. Same as us here in the northeast.

    Stay warm, enjoy the snow and the beauty it provides to cover up all the ugly human take over of the land.
