Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Full Week

Last week I commuted into the City four days out of five.  Four winter days.  Four days of train malfunctions and delays.  I do not miss that part of the daily commute!

Tuesday I had a job interview, which went pretty well.  That trip also gave me a chance to visit with some of my former Church Center colleagues, and I came home with some additional job leads to follow up on.  All in all, a productive day.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I attended Trinity Institute's 41st Annual Theological Conference: Reading Scripture Through Other Eyes.  I was able to attend because I'd been asked to facilitate one of the small groups.   It was both exhilarating and exhausting.  Walter Brueggemann, need I say more?  I'm waiting for the transcripts to be posted, because my notes just don't do the presentations justice.  To get a taste for what we heard and saw, check out the conference blog.

The icing on the cake, so to speak, was running into friends, both new and old.  Several of the facilitators were folks I went through EfM mentor training with last August.  Another facilitator was someone I know from my involvement with Integrity Westchester.  I finally met in person someone I've known through Facebook because of our professional networks.  And then there were two friends from Pennsylvania who I have not seen face to face in longer than any of us care to think about. 

Tomorrow it's back to the job hunt.  Every day is one day closer to my new job--wherever and whatever it is.


  1. Ever the optmist. I love that, Jeff. A new attitude I am seeing in you and it is fitting you well.

  2. Great week - yea! Of course, I should have checked the blog before I emailed you asking how the week went!
