Monday, July 16, 2012

The Yankee Settles in

As the real summer weather of both heat and humidity settles in, I find that I am, too. While the living room still needs furniture, and I haven't started the repurposing of the white dresser, the apartment is starting to feel like my home.

I'm still figuring out the rhythm of my job, but so far people seem pleased with my contributions to the Seminary community. I have my three month review in a few days. It hardly seems possible that my first interview for a position here was less than four-and-a-half months ago.

I can get around Alexandria pretty well these days, though I'm still haven't ventured in to the District enough times to even begin to figure out how it works in terms of finding my way around. That will change once I start looking at churches further afield.

It is always interesting adjusting to a new corporate culture. Being at an academic institution is somewhat of a double adjustment. It's not just being on staff; it's also not being a student. And this transition entails not only a new corporate culture but a new community at the same time. A new community in a part of the country I hadn't expected to be in.

So yes, I'm settling in. It will be a while before I call this area home without hesitating.

1 comment:

  1. You are having to 'settle in' in more areas than I care to count. Take your time. Relish the moment.
