Thursday, July 26, 2007

Witch Hunts

Over the past couple of days there has been a marked increase in visits to my blog. My Site Meter tells me that most of the visitors came directly from this StandFirm post. So, while I said I was not going to check the dreck at StandFirm, I figured I ought to at least see what was being said about my blog there. Here is relevant section of Jackie Bruchi's post:
Why one intrepid blogger even called us Witchhunters! One wonders if the writer of the post was actually trying to give a hattip to Greg for his pivotal role in shining light on the connection of Raven Kaldera and Macha NightMare, Bill (Oakwyse) and Glyn (Glipsa) Melnyk and Maury Johnston/Shadwynn to the Episcopal Church. Not to mention the outrage when this story shone down on the inventory at The Episcopal Bookstore. Let’s just ignore the irony that a hunt inside The Episcopal Church did, in fact, turn up witches (and druids and Muslims.)
Actually, I was not intending to give Greg [Griffith] a hattip. My point was that while these folks, who seem to have appointed themselves as the Reasserter Inquisition, may have legitimate concerns about practices by a handful of members of the Episcopal Church, the manner in which they "shed light" on them is snide, sarcastic, strident, and downright nasty. In other words, witch hunts in the most negative sense of the term. Here is the definition of witch hunt from my dictionary:
witch hunt (wǐch' hǔnt') n. An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views. (The American Heritage College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
The Reeasserter Inquisition's intent is to do more than shed light. In fact, shedding light is secondary. The very tone of their posts and comments is clearly meant to "harass and undermine those with differing views."

Which brings to mind Joseph Welch's question to Senator McCarthy: "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"


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