Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Visit to Grace

No, I didn't go back to Connecticut for a visit. This morning I went to Grace Alexandria. I knew it was going to be a different experience when I looked at their web site. Rite I is the predominant service used at Grace. It took me a little longer to drive to the church than I thought, and I arrived during the first hymn. Incense wafted out the front door when the person ahead of me opened it. In spite of the pictures on the web site, the altar against the wall without a second altar forward surprised me, even more so when the priest celebrated facing the altar with his back to the congregation.

All the music was familiar, and they used Lift Every Voice and Sing as well as the Hymnal 1982. I also saw a few copies of Wonder Love and Praise. This congregation takes its music and its worship seriously and joyfully. They also appear to be involved in a lot of inreach and outreach. This being the third Sunday of the month, they had laying on of hands for healing by the priest after the service, but they also had Stephen Ministers available for conversation and prayer.

All of that being said, it did not feel particularly welcoming. The congregation appears to be large enough that not everyone knows everyone else. The usher who greeted me did nothing more than hand me a bulletin and say hello. No one seemed interested in pointing a newcomer toward Coffee Hour after the service. The bulletin and the web site tell visitors to ask the ushers for directions, but they seemed more interested in talking to people they knew than looking out for newcomers.

Once again I found an overwhelmingly Anglo congregation. However, I did see more people of color than any other church in Alexandria I've visited so far (Epiphany is in the District). I also noted that in spite of the presence of a Hispanic ministry in the church, the Spanish Eucharist was mentioned only once in the announcements handed out with the bulletin and only in English.

A couple of observations. In the middle of a Rite I Eucharist they used the Form III Prayers of the People from Rite II. When the offering was brought forward they not only sang verse 3 of Hymn 380 (the Doxology) but also verse 4 of Hymn 717 ("My country 'tis of thee..."). Okay, it's in the hymnal, but I was really uncomfortable with it being sung at that point in the service.

It might be worth going back to see what their service is like once they're resume their regular worship schedule, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the parish for me.


  1. When I saw their website, I knew it wasn't the place for me. But then I don't know how I would respond to our website either. At least I don't think we come off as looking so formal.

  2. Hmmm. Interesting observation, Barbara. It's hard, as an insider, to be objective, even for me. But looking at those photos, this Grace is packed! Is it true, Jeff, or were those photos taken on high holy days?!

    Meanwhile, people are enjoying our outdoor services at Norwalk Grace!

  3. The church was pretty full this morning. And a friend of mine who I've since learned goes there occasionally told me that it was overflowing at the Easter Vigil.

  4. Oh God, an overflowing Easter Vigil! Wonderful for them. Only a dream for me.

  5. Well, I suppose you could move the altar to the wall, put all the pews back in, and start using Rite 1 almost exclusively...

  6. With dread, I thought that very thing as I read your post!

  7. It's nice that it's packed, but it looks very cold and stiff. Like they are going through motions. Definately not the type of place I would want to attend. But that's just me.

    and I am definately enjoying the outdoor services at Norwalk Grace
