Monday, May 28, 2012

The Yankee Eats Okra

You knew it had to happen once I moved south. It was just a matter of time. Today was the day.

I went over to Kellee's and Bob's after lunch. We hung out, talked, fixed dinner, talked some more, watched movies, and talked some more. One of the dishes Kellee made was fried okra, which she said her family often calls southern popcorn. She told me that the way she prepares it is different than most people do. She coats it with cornmeal and self-rising flour rather than dipping it in batter.

Can you say yummy?

Kellee's comment as I had a second helping was "I've converted a Yankee!"


  1. I had forgotten how 'fried' the South is with their cooking. ANYTHING tastes good fried. Still, I can't imagine that being the case with okra.

  2. I can't imagine Okra tasting good under any circumstance. But if you say so....

  3. I love okra, fried or in gumbo or any old way. I'm a Yankee, raised by Yankees, and I have no idea when I discovered okra outside of the Campbell's vegetable soup of olden days. I just don't remember. But I love it.
