Friday, April 20, 2012

How Do You Entertain When the Glasses Are Packed?

Yesterday morning I packed up the last two boxes of books, for a total of 12. I also finished packing the CDs and DVS, which fill six smaller boxes. Mary Beth arrived at noontime to spend the afternoon. We ate lunch at a nearby Chinese restaurant. We went for a walk. My days have been, and will continue to be for the next week or so, like this. I sort and pack. I share some time and a meal with friends. I sort and pack some more. I reflect on the change looming in my future. Yesterday was Mary Beth's part of what I've come to call the long goodbye.

But she also came ready to pack. We started with my Depression Glass collection, moved on to the crystal, and then fit almost all of my dishes into the one dish barrel box Rachel and I got at the Container Store Wednesday. We took a break for dinner and came back to finish packing the glass. Except we realized that we needed more packing paper.

So we made a quick trip to Home Depot. One of the ever helpful employees asked if we needed assistance. We told him we what we were looking for, and he wasn't sure they had the paper. Packing boxes, yes; paper, probably not. He suggested a couple of other stores, so we thanked him and turned to head for the exit. Mary Beth stopped and asked me if we really thought he was right. We turned around and went to the aisle with the packing boxes. Sure enough, on the shelf above the boxes were rolls of the paper we needed.

We packed two more boxes, and then I decided I was pretty much done with packing for the day. We got a lot more accomplished then I thought we might. It was time for a drink. I went into the kitchen and realized we should have stopped at CVS for some paper or plastic cups. We'd packed all the glasses. I'd left out one mug for myself for tea at breakfast. Ummmmm... Mary Beth walked in the kitchen, looked around, and pointed to the Thermos on the shelf over the sink. "We can use that." So we toasted our day of packing with bourbon and coke in a mug and a Thermos cup.

Mary Beth left late, which is fine, since we're both night owls.

The pod, on the other hand, arrived early this morning. My phone rang shortly after 7:00 a.m. The delivery truck driver was on the other end confirming the address and that he'd have enough space to unload it once he got here. There wasn't much traffic, and he arrived just before 8:00 a.m.

As you can see, it fits in one parking space. The mechanism for unloading it needs some room on either side of it. I didn't have it placed as close to my back door as I might have liked because I'm trying to be considerate of my neighbors. Although, I seem to have a lot fewer neighbors than I did a couple of months ago. There are a handful of empty apartments in the complex, and as a result, the parking lot is pretty empty even in the middle of the night. That and the much lower attention given to maintenance and upkeep have me wondering just what's going on. It may be that I'm getting out at a good time.

Tomorrow is the packing party. I've laid in a supply of various beverages, but I have to remember to stop at Stop & Shop or CVS on my way home from dinner this evening. I don't have enough glasses for everyone!

And for those of you keeping track: 10 Days.

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