Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm Contagious!

This evening I decided to go over to the Triangle Community Center for their "Saturday Night Out." On a good night there are several things going on--folks playing a variety of games, a movie on the TV, and folks just hanging out and talking. I have not been to the Center in a while--sort of a "recovery period" after having spent six years on the board. There were seven of us there at the height of the evening, and for a first portion of it, I was the only non-board member there. Mostly we just chatted. At some point we started talking about how the space might be reconfigured, if the board decides to stay in the current space for the long term. That became a conversation about what to do with the "Resource Room." I mentioned that I have been in the process of purging my apartment.

Suddenly, there was a flurry of activity. We started going through things in the "Resource Room" and piling stuff on dollies to take to the dumpster. A couple of people started working in the office, too. Others attacked the walls and replaced old signs and pictures with more recent ones.

Once again, "buh bye" was heard throughout the space as we tossed stuff that we did not need to be keeping. Like the whole pile of drinks and snacks labelled with a sign that said "Expired. Do Not Use." So we are keeping this stacked in the "Resource Room" because? Buh bye. Outdated psychology texts? Buh bye.

By the time we left there was a half-formed plan to complete the process of going through the rest of the stuff in the "Resource Room" and making it useful space again instead of the dumping ground it has become.

So for the time being, if you don't want to end up catching the "purge and reorganize" bug, stay away from me. I'm obviously contagious!


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