I almost didn't go. It felt like too much to pack even for one night away. I know most of that was because I feel like I've been packing and lugging stuff for weeks. And some of it is part of the grieving process about losing my job. But friends were expecting me, and I really was looking forward to seeing them.
So I packed an overnight bag, stopped at Whole Foods to pick up some side dishes, and made the three hour drive to Jamaica Plain in Boston for the Annual Harvest Ball. I got lost getting there. The only reason I had some semblance of an idea of where I was amongst the roundabouts was that a significant portion of the route Mapquest sent me on was the same as when I went up to spend July 4th weekend with friends in another part of Boston. I've never gone into Jamaica Plain from that direction before, but that was the route I was given. Maybe it's time to invest in a GPS.
Since what I brought didn't need to be heated before being served, arriving later than I expected was not a problem. I had plenty of time to fill out a table card for each dish (so people would know what was in them in case of food allergies or dietary needs), change, and chat with friends. I haven't been to the Harvest Ball in a number of years, and the dinner part of the evening has grown. There was more than enough food. Funny how pot lucks usually work out that way.
After dinner we cleared the tables and put the tables and chairs away. Our band for the evening, Spare Parts, played some waltzes before the main part of the evening, which consisted of Victorian era dances. Since the event had been billed as a period evening, many people dressed up. I have nothing from the Victorian era, so I figured my Renaissance garb was a better option than my suit. It was the right choice. I got a lot of compliments on it. There were men in suits and tuxes--both period and modern--and kilts. Quite a few women arrived in elaborate gowns from Victorian period. There's a reason dances were a bit slower then! Even a couple of contra dances most of us are familiar with were done at a slightly slower pace.
The break in the middle of the evening included a pot luck dessert table. Followed by more dancing. Usually, I stick around to help clean up, but friends from the dance community had graciously offered to put me up, and there were children involved. It did, however, give Robin and I a little time to catch up with what's been going on in our lives.
Late Sunday morning I drove out to Milton and didn't get lost because I had excellent directions. There I spent most of the day with my friend Laura and her family. Laura and I, who go back to high school, have been trying to get together for over a year. So long, in fact, that she had a present for my 50th birthday--10 months ago! Since she forgot to get a picture while I was there, I figured I'd post one here for her!
Here's the present
and here's what it was made for!
Of course, it can be used on a lamp, too.
Laura and I spent a lot of time catching up, but she also took time to talk through some things related to my job search. And she is helping me work on my resume. It was a real boost to be able to spend that time with her.
It was a great weekend. I needed to get away, even if only for an overnight. I'm feeling much more positive about things right now. Friends are a good thing!